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雅思口语学习| Part3: Sadness难过

来源:新航道深圳学校    浏览:    发布日期:2023-10-12 11:40:58

  is heartbreaking 令人心碎的If there is one thing in life that we could choose not to experience, it is the death of someone we love. Losing a friend or family member is heartbreaking and hard to accept, but how we deal with it, and how we ‘move on’, varies from person to person.如果生命中我们可以选择不去经历某件事,那就是我们所爱的人的死亡。失去朋友或家人是令人心碎的,让人难以接受,但是我们如何去处理,我们如何“接受现实”,因人而异。

  is inevitable 不可避免的Death is, of course, inevitable, but sometimes we feel the passing of a loved one has come too soon. 当然,死亡是不可避免的,但有时我们会觉得爱人的离世来得太早。

  is to grieve 是悲伤accept closure 接受他们的离去Our first reaction is to grieve, and even though we may soon be encouraged to accept closure and let go the grieving can last a while.我们的第一反应是悲伤,即使我们可能很快就会接受他们的离去,放手,悲伤却会持续一段时间。

  unexpected emotions 无法意料的情感But grief is a very natural, human response to loss and can take the form of many unexpected emotions, from shock to guilt, anger and disbelief. 但是悲伤是一种非常自然的、人类对失去人或物的反应,可以表现为许多无法意料的情感,从震惊到内疚,愤怒、怀疑。

  put on a brave face 强装勇敢hide our feelings 隐藏我们的感情When someone dies, we may be tempted to put on a brave face and hide our feelings. 当某人去世时,我们可能会试图强装勇敢,隐藏我们的感情。

  show people you are suffering 向大家表现出你很痛苦But experts say that this is the time to talk about feelings – even cry and sob and show people you are suffering. 但是专家说,这是一个谈论感受的时候——甚至可以通过哭泣和抽泣来表达,向大家表现出你很痛苦。

  keep the memory of the deceased alive 保留对死者的记忆There’s nothing wrong with trying to keep the memory of the deceased alive. 保留对死者的记忆并没有什么错。

  talk to them in your head 在脑海中与他们交谈You can talk to them in your head, write them a letter or share memories with other people who knew them. 你可以在脑海中与他们交谈,给他们写封信,或者与认识他们的人分享彼此的记忆。

  get a memorial tattoo 在身上纹上纪念纹身Some people have chosen to make a more permanent reminder of someone by getting a memorial tattoo.有些人选择在身上纹上纪念纹身来永远纪念。

  physical aching and pain身体上的疼痛和痛苦will subside /səbˈsaɪd/会消退keep someone’s memory alive 保留着对某人的记忆“You can have a continuing bond with the dead… I think it’s a very important way for people to come to terms that someone’s left.” Whatever approach you take to grieving and to keeping someone’s memory alive, eventually the physical aching and pain caused by the loss of a loved one will subside. 你可以和逝者保持持续的联系……我认为这是人们接受逝者离开的一种非常重要的方式。无论你采取何种方式来哀悼,或者保留着对某人的记忆,最终,失去所爱之人带来的身体上的疼痛和痛苦都会消退。

  the healing process 治愈过程But the memories of that person and the times we shared can stay with us forever, and talking about them and expressing your feelings is all part of the healing process. 但是关于那个人的记忆和我们一起度过的时光会永远陪伴着我们,谈论与逝者有关的回忆,表达你的感受都是治愈过程的一部分。




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