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雅思写作技巧| 关于大作文7分以上的衔接方法

来源:新航道深圳学校    浏览:    发布日期:2023-12-09 17:19:39

  7分以上的同学衔接就不只是so, although等带衔接词的明衔接了,而是用了很多暗衔接,比如代词,定冠词等

  1 用人称代词,比如their等

  Firstly, doctors, nurses, and teachers play critical roles in society and directly contribute to the well-being and development of individuals and communities. Their (指代前面的doctors, nurses, and teachers)work involves saving lives, healing the sick, and educating future generations. These professionals undergo extensive training and education to acquire the skills necessary to perform their(指代前面的doctors, nurses, and teachers) jobs effectively.首先,医生、护士和教师在社会中发挥着关键作用,直接为个人和社区的福祉和发展做出贡献。他们的工作包括拯救生命、治愈病人和教育下一代。这些专业人员接受了广泛的培训和教育,以获得有效履行其职责所必需的技能。

  2 用this, that, these, those 等指示代词,而且有时候后面常常加了一个上义词(上义词就是指范围更宽泛的词,比如水果的上义词是食物,下义词是苹果)


  Firstly, doctors, nurses, and teachers play critical roles in society and directly contribute to the well-being and development of individuals and communities. Their work involves saving lives, healing the sick, and educating future generations. These professionals(指示代词后面加了一个上义词professionals专业人员,概括了doctors, nurses, and teachers) undergo extensive training and education to acquire the skills necessary to perform their jobs effectively.


  Programs that focus on improving parenting skills, promoting positive social interactions, and providing educational and occupational opportunities for disadvantaged youth have shown success in reducing criminal behavior. However, it is important to recognize that some individuals may still engage in criminal behavior despite these efforts(指示代词后面加了一个上义词 efforts,概括了上面的措施), which highlights the complexity of the issue. 注重提高为人父母技能、促进积极的社会互动以及为弱势青年提供教育和就业机会的项目在减少犯罪行为方面取得了成功。然而,重要的是要认识到,尽管做出了这些努力,有些人仍然可能从事犯罪行为,这凸显了问题的复杂性。


  Furthermore, investing in the development of satellite cities or suburban areas with their own employment centers and amenities can provide viable alternatives to living in crowded cities. This approach (approach概括前面是一个方法) not only reduces the strain on urban areas but also ensures a more equitable distribution of opportunities and resources.此外,投资发展卫星城或拥有自己的就业中心和便利设施的郊区,可以为居住在拥挤的城市提供可行的选择。这种方法不仅减轻了城市地区的压力,而且确保了机会和资源的更公平分配。


  Similarly, actors, musicians, and artists captivate audiences and provoke emotions through their performances. This (指代前面说的吸引观众激发情感)creates a significant cultural influence.同样,演员、音乐家和艺术家通过他们的表演来吸引观众并激发情感。这就产生了重要的文化影响。


  The value they bring to the well-being and development of individuals and communities is substantial and should be recognized appropriately. However, this does not diminish the importance of sports and entertainment; it simply acknowledges the direct impact of certain professions on society.它们给个人和社区的福祉和发展带来的价值是巨大的,应该得到适当承认。然而,这并没有减少体育和娱乐的重要性;它只是承认某些职业对社会的直接影响。

  3 such+上义词

  Advocates for team sports argue that they are more effective in teaching cooperation, leadership, and communication skills. Such games(指代之前的team sports) require players to work in tandem to achieve a common goal, advancing the ball or scoring points. 团队运动的倡导者认为,团队运动在教授合作、领导和沟通技巧方面更有效。这类游戏要求球员们协同工作以达到一个共同的目标,推进球或得分。

  4 定冠词the加上义词例子1:In my opinion, while it is true that human activities have caused significant damage to the environment, we still have the opportunity to reverse the trend(指代前面说的对环境破坏).在我看来,虽然人类活动确实对环境造成了重大破坏,但我们仍然有机会扭转这一趋势。

  例子2:Cars emit pollutants that contribute to poor air quality, leading to respiratory problems and other health issues. The reduction in air quality(指代前面的poor air quality) also has a detrimental impact on the environment, causing climate change.汽车排放的污染物导致空气质量差,导致呼吸系统疾病和其他健康问题。空气质量的下降也对环境产生不利影响,导致气候变化。

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