

新航道深圳学校 > 考试技巧分享 > 常见问题 > 【英语口语培训】用英语表达情感-深圳新航道


来源:新航道深圳学校    浏览:    发布日期:2023-12-11 14:55:29

通常我们会说"I feel", "feel"什么呢。"confuesd,delighed, exhausted(精疲力竭,心累啊!!!)...."如果英文不好,建议4选1: "mad,sad,glad ,scared", 不要总是"happy".
还有没有说”My feeling is….”的举个手,你的英文可能是体育老师教的。典型理科男,要不中学议论文写多了,受伤了。
如果你说"I feel that ...", 多加了个that差别不小。“ I feel"是真情实感,”I feel that.." 暗示这是在思考,并不是天然的情感。体会下,这是无话不谈的朋友还是谨慎小心的伙伴。
看美剧多了知道,吵架的前奏一般是。“You make me feel ...." . 开始填空,"stupid, uncomfortable,sad, unattractive……."。如果女人对男人说,”You make me unattractive”, 这简直是血泪控诉。 这种表达方式 " inviting defensiveness(防备) and antagonism(敌对)." 简单来说,找骂,准备拉架。如果感觉不出差别,试着大声,慢慢的重复说几句。英语一定要开口说,读出来才有feel. 另外,当你开始说"you make me feel" , 常常也是默认把自己当作victim, 受害者.
当然,夸奖是不错的,如男人对女人说,"you make me feel special”,打动人心,见一个说一句。
Gina: I feel unattractive. When you hardly ever compliment me, I think I must not look good to you.
Gerald: I’m so sorry you feel that way. Actually it's all the more sad because I just about always like how you look. I probably could tell you more often how much I appreciate your clothes and hair and especially your smile. And as I think about it, I can see that lately I’ve been so preoccupied with work that I haven’t noticed much else.
“I probably could tell you more often how much I appreciate …….” 多好的表达。
如果“You make me feel…”开头,可能结果不同哦。谈话要Productive, 有建设性。
沟通就是为了避免"invites defensiveness", 激发对方的防御心理。
1. 多用”I feel”。
2. 使用安全词,"sad", "scared" 。
试想一下,风雨交加的夜晚,一个女生说 “ I feel scared…..” ,对面这个男的估计就放弃抵抗了。
3. 表达感觉从何而来
例如 "My concern is ......."
4. 说明对方的角色
“When you came in so late last night from work I felt very scared. My concern is ...."
"When you..... I feel.....。My concern is .........."
特别注意:英语的核心不是词汇,是表达的框架. 辞不达意常常不是因为词汇不会。
当然,对于 Narcissistic(自恋)人格的人来说,怎么表达都没用。“Go to hell” 可能是唯一合适的表达方式

Upset - very sad, worried, or angry about something
Example: They felt too upset to talk about the incident.
Frustrated- Feeling annoyed and impatient because you are prevented from achieving something
Example: Frustrated passengers have started to use other forms of transport
Desperate - Very worried and angry because you do not know how to deal with an unpleasant situation
Example: In a desperate attempt to escape, he killed the guard.
Satisfied- pleased with what has happened or with what you have achieved
Example : Honestly, some people are never satisfied!
Anxious- worried because you think something bad might happen
Example: His silence made me anxious.
Cheerful- behaving in a happy friendly way
Example: Paula seemed to be her usual cheerful self.
Stammer- keeps repeating a sound and has difficulty in saying certain words because of a speech problem, nervousness, excitement etc….
Example: Nina, blushing with embarrassment, began to stammer.
Delighted- very happy, especially because something good has happened
Example: We're delighted with our new grandson.
Sob -to cry noisily while taking short breaths
Example: I could hear her sobbing.
Resolute - extremely determined
Example: a resolute opponent
Sad- feeling unhappy, especially because something bad has happened
Example: Reading her letter made us all feel a little sad.

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