来源:新航道深圳学校 浏览: 发布日期:2023-08-28 17:27:36
首页哈利上床时,脑子里还嗡嗡地响着这个问题。 2 As they climbed the steps out of the dungeon an hourlater, Harry's mind was racing and his spirits were low.一小时后,他们顺着阶梯爬出地下教室,哈利头脑里思绪翻滚,情绪低落。 3 Vampires? Hags? Harry's head was swimming.吸血鬼?老巫婆?搞得哈利都晕头转向了。 4 Yet something had been nagging at the back of his mind all day.
然而,一整天下来,总有一件事情萦绕在他的脑海里。 5 The room was growing dark. Exhausted, stomach rumbling, mind spinning over the same unanswerable questions, Harry fell into an uneasy sleep.
屋里黑下来了,哈利精疲力竭,饥肠辘辘,脑子里翻来覆去地转着那些没有答案的问题。他不知不觉睡着了,睡得很不安稳。 6 Hermione had sunk to the floor in fright; Ron pulled out his own wand -- notknowing what he was going to do he heard himself cry the first spell that came into his head: "Wingardium Leviosa!"赫敏吓呆了,扑通瘫倒在地板上;罗恩抽出自己的魔杖—— 他正不知道该怎么办呢,却听见自己喊出了脑子里想到的第一句咒语:“羽加迪姆勒维奥萨!”(动作细节) 7 Harry thought hard, picturing thescene on the night of Halloween.哈利苦苦思索,回忆万圣节前夜的情景。 8 I don't get it either.我也想不通。 9 One idea firmly lodged in his numb brain: get to Malfoy.只有一个念头牢牢地占据着他已经迟钝的头脑—冲向马尔福。
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