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雅思口语讲堂:taught something new to

来源:新航道深圳学校    浏览:    发布日期:2019-02-01 09:59:07

Describe a time you taught something new to a younger person.
You should say:
when it happened
what you taught
who you taught it to
why you taught it to this person
and explain how you felt about it.
1. 这道题目是让我们描述“a time”,可以用事件题的思路来回答,注意表明“时间人物地点,起因经过结果”。
2. 解答这题时,我们需要注意审题,题目要求我们说的是“something new”,也就意味着我们答题时需要提到,这个东西本来是对方不会的。那我们可以教对方什么呢?我们可以稍微拓展一下思路,例如可以教乐器、某一项运动、骑自行车、拍照、某门语言等,考生可以选取自己熟悉的事物去展开回答。
3. 审题时我们还需要注意,题目要求的是“younger person”,所以在作答的时候,一定要有相应的语句,提到这个人是比自己小的。
Sample answer
Well, to be totally honest with you, I might have to say that I always wanted to be in any profession except for teaching, for I reckoned it as a challenging job. However, life is full of surprises and when i was a sophomore at my university, a freshman came to me for help when he was assigned to make a presentation in class while he hadn’t done one before. He was one of the members in our department of the Students’ Union when I was the department head. So I felt that I was obliged to give him a hand.
He needed to use the software, Powerpoint to make his presentation slides. However, just as I said, he was totally new to the presentation thing and it took a long time for me to teach him. I had to repeat the same thing over and over again before he knew how to insert texts and images. After we finished making the presentation slides, I had to teach him how to make a public speech in front of a bunch of people as he had never done so. This was where the rub was. He was such a shy boy that the thought of standing in front of the public made him shiver. Therefore, I had to spend a lot of time encouraging him and motivating him. Besides, I made him talk in front of his peers in the Students’ Union so that he could gain some confidence. After a fortnight’s preparation, his presentation was well-received and he even got an A for the assignment!
I was so proud of what he had achieved as he went from a boy who were too afraid to talk in public to a confident one who could even tell jokes! I also felt extremely fulfilled by helping him out. His success meant that our efforts were finally paid off and that really gave me a sense of accomplishment! I guess the most important thing is that I am not afraid of being a teacher now!
profession n. 职业
sophomore n. 大学二年级生
be obliged to do sth. 有义务做某事
this’s where the rub is 这就是难点所在
a bunch of people 一群人
shiver v. 发抖
be well-received 收效良好
Part 3
1. What skills should be taught to children?
2. What can children learn from teachers and parents?
3. What are the skills that you want to learn?
4. What skills do adults need to have?
5. How can people be motivated to learn new things?
1. What skills should be taught to children?
idea:这是一道what题,考官希望考察我们列举事物的能力和相应的词汇量。我们可以列举一些技能,如人际交往技能(interpersonal skills)、学习能力(learning ability)、抗压能力(anti-pressure ability)等。
Sample answer
There are some skills and abilities I think a kid should be taught, such as interpersonal skills, learning ability and anti-pressure ability. These skills and abilities are quite essential for now and for later. For example, interpersonal skills can help a child to make more friends at school so that he or she might tend to be willing to go to school. Also interpersonal skills can help the child to make friends in the workplace when he or she grows up.
2. What can children learn from teachers and parents?
idea:这也是一道what题,我们也是应该列举一些学生可以从家长和老师身上学到的东西,例如待人接物(the manner of dealing with people)、认真对待工作的态度、对待困难的态度等。
Sample answer
There are definitely a lot that a kid can learn from teachers and parents. Actually, they can have a subtle and long-term influence on the kid without even knowing it. For example, a kid might learn from teachers and parents the attitudes that they have towards work. Also, teachers’ and parents’ manner of dealing with people might influence the kid too.
subtle adj. 微妙的
3. What are the skills that you want to learn?
idea:这还是一道what题,考生们可以广开思路,多想想自己有什么想学的技能。例如,可以说自己想多学一门除了英语之外的外语,还可以说自己学潜水(scuba diving),想学打篮球、想学钢琴等。
Sample answer
Actually there are a lot of skills that I want to learn! I would like to learn a new language other than English as I am always keen on learning new language. Also, I would like to try scuba diving if possible even though this might be a little bit pricy. Besides, I would like to spend more time on sports and would like to learn to play basketball! When I was little, I spent most of my time on study and thus few extracurricular skills were acquired. Now that I am in college, I would like to explore my potential and try anything that I like.
pricy adj. 昂贵的
now that 既然,由于
potential n. 潜力



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