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雅思写作范文| 青少年犯罪的原因和应该采取的措施

来源:新航道深圳学校    浏览:    发布日期:2023-11-17 16:24:11

  雅思写作历年大作文真题:In many counties, a higher proportion of criminal acts are committed by teenagers. What are the causes of this phenomenon? And what measures could be taken for reducing the crime rate?

  are more likely to commit criminal activities更有可能从事犯罪活动in comparison to other age groups与其他年龄组相比There are numerous reasons why teenagers are more likely to commit criminal activities in comparison to other age groups. Some possible causes are:

  1. Peer pressure: 同伴压力are often highly influenced by their peers经常受到同伴的影响engage in criminal acts to earn respect从事犯罪活动以赢得尊重fit in with a particular group融入一个特定的群体Teenagers are often highly influenced by their peers and may engage in criminal acts to earn respect or to fit in with a particular group.

  2. Lack of parental guidance: 缺乏父母的指导leave teenagers without guidance让青少年没有指导make them more susceptible to criminal tendencies让他们更容易有犯罪倾向Lack of proper parenting can leave teenagers without guidance, making them more susceptible to criminal tendencies.

  3. Exposure to violence: 暴力接触video games, movies, and social media视频游戏、电影和社交媒体desensitize teenagers使青少年麻木不仁make them more prone to committing violent crimes让他们更倾向于暴力犯罪Exposure to violence in video games, movies, and social media could desensitize teenagers and make them more prone to committing violent crimes.

  4. Substance abuse: 有害物质的过度或不当使用abuse drugs and alcohol有害物质的过度或不当使用are more likely to engage in criminal activities更有可能参与犯罪活动Teenagers who abuse drugs and alcohol are more likely to engage in criminal activities.

  reduce the crime rate among teenagers减少青少年犯罪率To reduce the crime rate among teenagers, some measures that can be helpful are:

  1. Education: 教育educate teenagers about the consequences of criminal acts教育青少年犯罪行为的后果Schools and parents should educate teenagers about the consequences of criminal acts.

  2. Counselling: 咨询show violent tendencies表现出暴力倾向can be counseled by professionals可以得到专业人士的建议help prevent them from breaking the law帮助他们避免违法Teenagers who show violent tendencies can be counseled by professionals, which can help prevent them from breaking the law.

  3. Community support: 社区支持host after-school programs主持课外活动provide opportunities for teenagers to engage in constructive activities,such as sports and music为青少年提供参与建设性活动的机会,如体育和音乐help prevent them from turning to criminal activities帮助防止他们转向犯罪活动 Communities can host after-school programs and provide opportunities for teenagers to engage in constructive activities, such as sports and music, which can help prevent them from turning to criminal activities.

  4. Law enforcement: 执法law enforcement agencies执法机构focus on early intervention注重早期干预such as neighborhood watch programs and Youth Offending Teams比如邻里监督项目和青少年犯罪小组Law enforcement agencies should focus on early intervention, such as neighborhood watch programs and Youth Offending Teams.

  is essential for building a safer society对建立一个更安全的社会至关重要In conclusion, reducing the crime rate among teenagers is essential for building a safer society.

  address the root causes of criminal behavior 解决犯罪行为的根本原因implement measures to prevent it 实施预防措施go a long way in reducing the number of crimes committed by teenagers在减少青少年犯罪数量方面大有作为Addressing the root causes of criminal behavior and implementing measures to prevent it can go a long way in reducing the number of crimes committed by teenagers.

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