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雅思写作| report类‘采取措施’的9个地道表达

来源:新航道深圳学校    浏览:    发布日期:2023-12-04 15:31:22

  1 intervene and prevent sb. from doing sth. through sth. 介入并阻止某人通过某事做...It is possible to intervene and prevent children from becoming criminals through early childhood education, social support, and effective parenting.

  2 take measures to do sth. rectify sth.采取措施做某事take effective actions to improve sth. 采取有效措施改善某事;Some people think that it is too late to take measures to rectify the damage already done, while others believe that we can still take effective actions to improve the current situation. In this essay, I will discuss both views and give my opinion.

  3 there are still many things we can do to ...我们还有很多事情可以做They argue that although some damage is irreversible, there are still many things we can do to reduce the impact of human activities.

  4 adopt practices采用做法For instance, they suggest that we can reduce our carbon footprint by using renewable energy sources and adopting eco-friendly practices.

  5 take steps to mitigate the impact of sth.采取措施减轻某事的影响Although some damage may be irreversible, we can still take steps to mitigate the impact of our activities on nature.

  6 act fast迅速行动I believe that it is never too late, and we must act fast to protect and preserve nature for future generations.

  7 take collective action采取集体行动We must take collective action to reduce our impact on the planet and adopt sustainable practices.

  8 require collective efforts from ...需要各方共同努力Environmental challenges, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions or protecting biodiversity, require collective efforts from governments, industries, and international organizations.

  9 should be coupled with larger-scale measures应该辅以更大规模的措施(适合个人还是政府来做采取措施做某事这种题型)Individual action sets an example and creates awareness, prompting collective action and inspiring governments and industries to implement systemic changes. However, it is vital to recognize that such actions should be coupled with larger-scale measures, such as policy reforms, investments in green technologies, and international cooperation.

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