

新航道深圳学校 > 雅思 > 雅思写作 > 2023年雅思写作范文| 国际贸易和旅游的好处

2023年雅思写作范文| 国际贸易和旅游的好处

来源:新航道深圳学校    浏览:    发布日期:2023-09-21 18:29:32

  雅思写作大作文历年真题:During the 20th century, contacts between different parts of the world developed quickly, thanks to air travel and telecommunication. To what extent do you think societies benefit from the contact and closer relationship with foreigners brought about by international business and tourism?

  the exchange of ideas, culture, and resources思想、文化和资源的交流result from these interactions这些相互作用的结果lead to significant social and economic benefits产生显著的社会效益和经济效益On one hand, the exchange of ideas, culture, and resources that result from these interactions can lead to significant social and economic benefits.

  create jobs创造就业机会boost local economies促进地方经济promote cross-cultural understanding促进跨文化理解Tourism, for example, can create jobs, boost local economies, and promote cross-cultural understanding.

  foster innovation培育创新facilitate trade and investment促进贸易和投资create opportunities for collaboration and cooperation创造合作与合作的机会Similarly, international business can foster innovation, facilitate trade and investment, and create opportunities for collaboration and cooperation.

  potential negative consequences潜在的负面影响increased contact with foreigners增加与外国人的接触On the other hand, there are also potential negative consequences of increased contact with foreigners.

  lead to the spread of disease and pollution导致疾病和污染的传播the displacement of local populations当地居民的流离失所the exploitation of natural resources自然资源的开发It can lead to the spread of disease and pollution, the displacement of local populations, and the exploitation of natural resources.

  contribute to cultural homogenization /həʊmədʒənaɪˈzeɪʃ(ə)n/助长文化同质化the erosion/ɪˈrəʊʒ(ə)n/of traditional values and practices传统价值观和习俗的侵蚀Moreover, it can contribute to cultural homogenization and the erosion of traditional values and practices.

  the impact of increased contact and closer relationship with foreigners与外国人接触增加和关系密切的影响is complex and multifaceted是复杂和多方面的In conclusion, the impact of increased contact and closer relationship with foreigners brought about by international business and tourism on societies is complex and multifaceted.

  depends on various factors such as the context, motives, and outcomes取决于各种因素,如背景、动机和结果The extent to which societies benefit or suffer from these interactions depends on various factors such as the context, motives, and outcomes.




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