

新航道深圳学校 > 雅思 > 雅思写作 > 雅思写作范文丨犯罪类:青少年犯罪了应该和成年人受一样的惩罚吗?


来源:新航道深圳学校    浏览:    发布日期:2023-11-24 17:53:38

  雅思写作历年大作文真题:Young people who commit serious crimes, such as a robbery or a violent attack should be punished in the same way as adults. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  commit serious crimes犯下严重罪行should be punished in the same way as adults应该像成年人一样受到惩罚On the one hand, there are valid reasons to argue that young people who commit serious crimes should be punished in the same way as adults.

  shows a lack of moral responsibility 表现出缺乏道德责任感is not exclusive to adults不是成年人的专利Firstly, committing a serious crime shows a lack of moral responsibility that is not exclusive to adults.

  provide a strong deterrent factor for other young people为其他年轻人提供强大的威慑因素dissuade them from committing similar crimes劝阻他们不要再犯类似的罪行Secondly, it is argued that punishment should provide a strong deterrent factor for other young people and dissuade them from committing similar crimes.

  the severity of the crime罪行的严重性warrants a punishment that is commensurate with the harm caused应当受到与所造成的损害相称的惩罚regardless of age不论年龄Thirdly, some argue that the severity of the crime warrants a punishment that is commensurate with the harm caused, regardless of age.

  compelling reasons 令人信服的理由against punishing young offenders in the same way as adults反对以成年人的方式惩罚青少年罪犯On the other hand, there are also compelling reasons against punishing young offenders in the same way as adults.

  adolescence青春期a time of learning and growth一段学习和成长的时光may not fully understand the consequences of their actions可能无法完全理解自己行为的后果Firstly, adolescence is a time of learning and growth, and young people may not fully understand the consequences of their actions.

  may be subject to influence and coercion by adults or peers可能受到成年人或同伴的影响和胁迫may not be fully responsible for their actions可能不能对自己的行为完全负责Secondly, young offenders may be subject to influence and coercion by adults or peers and may not be fully responsible for their actions.

  rehabilitation and education 改过自新和教育should be prioritized over punishment 应该优先于惩罚in cases where young people have committed crimes在年轻人犯罪的案件中Thirdly, it is argued that rehabilitation and education should be prioritized over punishment in cases where young people have committed crimes.

  consider the individual circumstances of each case考虑每个案例的具体情况prioritize the well-being and rehabilitation of young offenders优先考虑青少年罪犯的健康和改造In conclusion, while there are arguments both for and against punishing young people who commit serious crimes in the same way as adults, it is crucial to consider the individual circumstances of each case and to prioritize the well-being and rehabilitation of young offenders.

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